We will also continue supporting SDK add-ons as long as they don’t use require(‘chrome’) or some of the low-level APIs that provide access to XUL elements.
However, I just installed the Firefox Nightly build and my test add-on seems to be working fine, although it uses require(‘chrome’).
Relevant code from the add-on:
var { Cc, Ci } = require("chrome");
var SearchService = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/search-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIBrowserSearchService);
SearchService.addEngineWithDetails('mysearch', 'icon', 'mysearchalias', 'my search description', 'get', 'http://stackoverflow.com/search?q={searchTerms}');
SearchService.currentEngine = SearchService.getEngineByName('mysearch');
Am I misunderstanding something? Will the support for require(‘chrome’) be dropped at a later time?
That’s not talking about e10s that’s talking about deprecating XUL, and almost deprecating the SDK, to switch over to WebExtensions. Yes require(“chrome”) will be dropped within the next 12-18 months.
I am also now looking at rebuilding a firefox using the addons sdk.
The main purpose of the extensions is to read the http traffic for analytics purposes and translate it to a more user friendly manner in order to run our validation.
Any idea or suggestion on how to achieve it if the require(‘chrome’) will be deprecated?