I recently purchased a new LG TV, but am not able to get the existing “lg-tv-adapter” to work with it. From my limited research, I believe it may because this TV runs WebOS version 4, which implements a different API (or at least, a different version). WebOS 4 appears to require the Connect SDK. Is the existing lg-tv-adapter compatible with the Connect SDK? If not, is anyone currently working to support the Connect SDK? Apparently, several devices (see link) are implementing this same API.
My TV runs webOS 3.0, but this should (in theory) support 2.0+. The add-on uses the lgtv2 library. That library does have an open issue about webOS 4.0, but it’s unclear to me if that is only specific to the one person.
You do need to make sure you allow LG Connect Apps in the TV’s settings, per the README.
I did see the note in the README, and confirmed last night the LG Connect Apps is allowed on the TV.
Thank you for pointing me to lgtv2. Similar to that open issue, I did attempt to connect to port 3000 last night without success.
Seems like a little more investigation is in order. The ConnectSDK source is available on GitHub. I’ll browse around and see how they’re connecting to see what may have changed.
Looks like they may have moved the socket to port 3001. I’ll investigate later this evening.
After performing an SSDP All query, I found the problem. The header field “DLNADEVICENAME.LGE.COM” on my TV did not match the string “[LG] webOS TV” and thus, was being ignored.
I’ve created a pull request to address this.
After making the change, my gateway was able to add my TV, and send it several commands.