Since several versions the console of the Firefox Nightly is overcrowded with messages, errors and warnings. Logging my own issues while developing my addon has become painful. Firefox displays so many things that my own logs disappear. In the better cases, I have to scroll among hundreds of messages to find what I logged.
Is there a way to filter this, to remove what is unnecessary to the debugging of my addon?
I use multiple different techniques, depending on what kind of logging I’m looking for.
Generally I try to only show messages that I’m interested in with the filters. So I usually hide all CSS logging and most warnings, and usually network.
Further if I’m looking for logging from a specific file I filter by its file name using the search field.
Also, you probably want to use the Add-on-Debuggers Console, and not the Browser Console. The latter collects logs from pretty much all components and tabs while open, the former mostly only those related to your extension.
It is quite rare that I need additional information from the Browser Console.
Actually, I also discovered that all this crazy stuff was generated by other extensions which are very verbose when I launch Nightly for debugging. Uninstalling them solved also the issue for the main console.