Hi all,
I am writing an addon that let a web page to interact with a hardware device using system executable files. In index.js I use the standard form:
var MySystemObj = {
method1: function(p) {
// do some system calls
p.emit('method1Return', returnValue);
method2: function(port) {
// do some system calls
p.emit('method2Return', returnValue);
var pageMod = require('sdk/page-mod');
include: '*.myhost.com',
contentScriptFile: data.url('content-script.js'),
contentScriptWhen: 'ready',
onAttach: startListening
function startListening(worker) {
worker.port.on('executeMethod1', function(d) {
worker.port.on('executeMethod2', function(d) {
And in data/content-script.js I write the event listener to communicate with the web page:
var thePort = self.port;
var MyEventHandler = {
handleEvent: function(e) {
if (e.target.getAttribute('method') == '1')
else if (e.target.getAttribute('method') == '2')
method1: function(e) {
thePort.on('method1Return', function(v) {
e.target.setAttribute('ret', v);
var e2 = document.createEvent('Events');
e2.initEvent('MyReturnEvent', true, false);
method2: function(e) {
thePort.on('method2Return', function(v) {
e.target.setAttribute('ret', v);
var e2 = document.createEvent('Events');
e2.initEvent('MyReturnEvent', true, false);
var ev = document.createEvent('Events');
ev.initEvent('MyEvent', true, true);
document.addEventListener('MyEvent', MyEventHandler, false, true);
On the web page I invoke the methods “method1” and “method2” using standard custom events:
var element = document.getElementById('MyEventElement');
var e = document.createEvent('Events');
e.initEvent('MyEvent', true, false);
document.addEventListener('MyReturnEvent', handleReturnEvent, false, true);
function handleReturnEvent(e) {
var returnValue = e.target.getAttribute('ret');
This addon runs ok both on Mozilla Firefox and on Mozilla Firefox Developer Edition, but when I put the page “myhost.com” as the startup page, in Mozilla Firefox the function “startListening” in the index.js add-on code some times is not called (in Mozilla Firefox Developer Edition is called always). If I put “myhost.com” a the startup page and the “startListening” method is not invoked, if I press Ctrl+F5 or open another tab with the same URL, the “startListening” function is invoked and the plugin runs ok.
I am using Mozilla Firefox 49 on Windows 7 (but the problem also appears on other windows versions).
¿Any suggestion?
Thank you in advance!