I develop an extension in Firefox 76.0.1 and add a content script via content_scripts in the manifest.js. I figured out that on some pages the script is not inserted into the page. For instance, Address bar autocomplete suggestions in Firefox | Firefox Help
Here, no script is loaded at all.
Usually, it looks like this:
Are you asserting if the content script is injected solely on the fact if the debugger displays it? I remember a recent post somewhere mentioning that a bug was fixed where not all content scripts were shown reliably in the debugger.
Some Mozilla sites are restricted, similar to some built-in pages, and you cannot inject content scripts into them. If you are using the about:debugging page => Inspect => Console, you may see a specific reference to lacking the host permission to inject into the page. (I don’t know where else it would appear.)
SUMO is in extensions.webextensions.restrictedDomains which is user-editable, unlike the built-in pages issue.