hi there! I recently came into having this aquaponic sensor kit thanks to someone getting rid of their system, and found the arduino code from the manufacturer here:
I was wondering about the possibility of converting this adafruit huzzah32 code to broadcast webthings. From a first glance it doesn’t seem too different from how i got my esp8266’s working, but i was wondering if anyone could double check how i plan to go about this. It seems like i’d grab the outputs mapped to the “ezo board device list”, and map each output with a thing device and thing property along these lines (thanks for the arduino examples):
Ezo_board device_list[] = {"MultiLevelSensor", nullptr};
ThingDevice dissolvedOxygenSensor("DO", "Analog Dissolved Oxygen Sensor", sensorTypes);
ThingProperty DO("DO", "dissolved oxygen in parts per million", NUMBER, "LevelProperty");
DO.unit = "ppm";
I suppose I could also use the http addon to GET the thingspeak values if all else fails, but honestly I’d rather purely support webthings software and share this with other aquaponic farmers using similar sensors to keep that open source train rolling! Does this seem like a good way to go about it? Any other advice for someone doing something similar? I haven’t touched arduinos since 2020 and i think im a little rusty. Thanks for everything and keep on keeping on!