Copying either history urls or titles

I’m wondering if anyone could write a little userscript or userstyle for firefox that would add 2 submenu functions:

in history menu/show all history

when i search the history for specific urls in a specific date to copy, there are two columns:

the “name”
the “location”

unfortunately, if i select all the found lines & right click to copy…
the copy function only copies the urls …

i’d like two new submenu functions …

replace Copy by:

Copy Location

then add:

Copy Title

& the last one:

Copy Title & Location

(any submenu option from above can copy selected “multiple lines…”)

This is very easy, have you tried to follow the guide on making your own addon?

I think as a beginner you can knock this up in a weekend or two max. Try it out. Let us know if you need help.

I’m not looking for help on how to code & learn coding languages, what
you’ve tried to do with me since the beginning, i’m looking for a
"contribution" from coders…
“easy or not easy to do”. it can be easy for some people, harder for
others. you gave me lots of tutorials telling me it’s easy to do, & if you
pretend it’s three commands,
that would have saved a lot of time to provide them initially, considering
you are trying to help…

I’m trying to save you from disappointment, it’s very hard to get someone to create something for you the way you want it, the best way is to do it yourself and not count on others. Your requests are really very easy (at least this one, also the other one but you need winapi knowledge which you could easily get from my linked documents), but still you are not finding others (it has been 26 days on this one), which is why I wanted to help you help yourself.

if you know how to fix two of my requests, it would have been quicker to
contribute instead of telling people to go learn coding languages.
if i had time to learn that, i would have done it, & i wouldn’t have
contacted “coders”… . & if i tell you it would be harder for me & would
take me
a lot of time, i’m not extrapolating. there are many terms i don’t
understand in english, even words you believe to be complex are taken from
french like “extrapolating”, it would have taken me a lot more time to
learn how to write addons & where to place codes and where to find the
right code,
etc etc. also, you pretend its very hard to find people to do it when you
also pretend its very easy to do. so if you don’t want to contribute "help"
when you
have a knowledge that i don’t & which would take me a while to assimilate,
it’s useless to brag about the fact i could learn how to do it…

I understand. Let me know if any of that changes for you, I’m very willing to help train you so you not only can make it yourself, but will also be able to maintain and improve it. Then hopefully grow into contributing even more. :slight_smile:

i’m not seeking training, u still don’t get the point, good continuation,