Council Chair - October/November

Hi everyone

My two month as Council Chair are over and I’m wrapping up my last few tasks. Council Notes will be shared by EOD Sunday (UTC) for example.

I’m glad to announce that Christos Bacharakis will take over for the next two month (October and November). Thanks for stepping up and I’m sure we’ll achieve a lot with you as chair! :smile:



Hey Michael,

It was nice working under your leadership…I am delighted to learn about Chris nomination…awesome!

Thanks so much @mkohler for the hard work as chair! You set the bar pretty high!
But I do have trust @Christos will do as amazing as you!

Thank you @mkohler!
Good luck @Christos!

PS: Do not hesitate to ping me if you need help/advice in any task!

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Thank you @mkohler for your awesome work :slight_smile: … welcome and best of luck @Christos :smile:

Hey @mkohler ! Thanks a lot for all the support and hard work as a council chair :ok_hand:
And Its awesome to see @Christos as new chair :smiley: Welcome dude :wink: