(Michael Kohler)
September 10, 2019, 5:57pm
Hi Reps
As the next elections are almost around the corner and the process will start towards the end of September, we’d like you to reserve the dates for the Town Halls. The Town Halls will provide an opportunity for all Reps to ask questions to the nominees to get informed about the candidates. This will be in addition to the Discourse questions. At the beginning of the call the Peers will share general information regarding the Elections. These calls will be held in Zoom and be streamed to Air Mozilla. They will also be recorded.
To accomodate most of timezones, we will hold two Town Halls:
2019-10-03T19:00:00Z (no Weekly Reps Call on the same day)
Details and invitations for the Town Halls will follow shortly before they happen. If you plan to run for the Reps Council, please already mark at least one of these dates in your calendars. The same of course goes for all Reps to be able to ask questions to the candidates!
You can follow the process on the GitHub issue:
opened 03:06PM - 23 Aug 19 UTC
closed 08:45PM - 24 Mar 20 UTC
## Goal:
Hold the Council elections in order to occupy the spots that are free … after the term of one year is ending for:
🎓 Monica
🎓 Yofie
🎓 Yuliana
We have 3 open spots.
## Success:
The elections take place and we have 3 Council members
## Related Issues & Links:
- Previous Elections #15, #114, #208, #284, #327, #366
## Roles:
Owner: @ioana-chiorean
Involved: @couci, Reps Peers
Supporting: @prathameshchavan
Informed: @nukeador, Reps
## Required:
(format of the dates is DD.MM.YYYY)
### Planning
- [x] 11.09.2019 - Plan Town Halls (@MichaelKohler)
- [x] 19.09.2019 - Timeline presentation and announcement in Reps Call / Discourse / Mailing list (@ioana-chiorean)
### Nomination & Campaigning
- [x] 23.09.2019 - Call for Nominees starts (1 week) (@ioana-chiorean)
- [x] 23.09.2019 - Share invitation for candidating on Mailing List (@ioana-chiorean)
- [x] 23.09.2019 - Share invitation for candidating on Telegram (@ioana-chiorean)
- [x] 29.09.2019 - Call for Nominees closes (@ioana-chiorean)
- [x] 30.09.2019 - CPG check (@ioana-chiorean)
- [x] 30.09.2019 - Q&A starts on Discourse (1 week) (@ioana-chiorean)
- [x] 01.10.2019 - Nominees Q&A Town Hall Timezone 1 (@ioana-chiorean)
- [x] 03.10.2019 - Nominees Q&A Town Hall Timezone 2 (@ioana-chiorean)
- [x] 06.10.2019 - Deadline for answers in Discourse Q&A (@ioana-chiorean)
### Voting
- [x] 07.10.2019 - Voting starts (1 week) (@ioana-chiorean)
- [x] 07.10.2019 - Tweet about voting (@MichaelKohler)
- [x] 14.10.2019 - Voting closes (@ioana-chiorean)
- [x] 15.10.2019 - Voting results published (@ioana-chiorean)
- [x] 15.10.2019 - Voting Analysis is published (@MichaelKohler)
- [x] 15.10.2019 - Wiki Pages are updated (@MichaelKohler)
### Onboarding
- [x] 15.10.2019 - Onboarding begins - Schedule meeting with new Council members (@couci)
- [ ] TBD - Call with Nominees & Peers to make sure they understand accountability (@anknite )
- [x] 18.10.2019 - New Council members have write access to GitHub Reps repo (@MichaelKohler)
- [x] 23.10.2019 - New Council members are in the OI Mozillians group (@couci)
- [x] 23.10.2019 - New Council members are in the Council Mozillians group (@couci)
- [x] 23.10.2019 - New Council members are in the Telegram group (@couci)
- [x] 23.10.2019 - New Council members are in the reps-council alias (@couci)
- [x] 23.10.2019 - New Council members have access to Slack / #oi-team channel (@couci)
- [x] 04.11.2019 - Onboarding is done and new Council is operational - new Council members have confirmed they all have access to everything (@couci)
- [ ] 04.11.2019 - Old Council members are removed from Telegram group (@couci)
- [x] 04.11.2019 - Old Council members are removed from OI Mozillians group (@couci)
- [x] 04.11.2019 - Old Council members are removed from Council Mozillians group (@couci)
- [ ] 04.11.2019 - Old Council members are removed from Reps GitHub collaborators (@MichaelKohler)
- [x] 04.11.2019 - Reps Portal is updated with new Council members in Council group (@couci)
- [ ] 04.11.2019 - Blog announcement for new members + outgoing members is published (@couci)
- [x] 04.11.2019 - Mozilla Leadership Page is updated (@MichaelKohler)
## Updates required:
- [x] Create [15th entry](
## Dependencies:
- [x] Verify if there are any regional holidays/festivities during the election period
- [x] Get general feedback from Reps
on behalf of the Reps Module Owner & Peers
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