Welcome! They bring with them skills they have picked up and Reps mentors, and as community leaders both inside Mozilla and in other fields. A HUGE thank you to the outgoing council members – @thephoenixbird (Arturo), @emma_irwin (Emma) and @gautha91(Raj) . We are hoping you continue to use your talents and experience to continue in a leadership role in Reps and Mozilla.
The Mozilla Reps Council is the governing body of the Mozilla Reps Program. It provides the general vision of the program and oversees day-to-day operations globally. Currently, 7 volunteers and 2 paid staff sit on the council. Find out more on the ReMo wiki.
Congratulations to the newly elected Council members! Welcome to the team!
To @thephoenixbird@emma_irwin and @gautha91 thank you very much for your unselfish service to the Mozilla Reps Program during your tenure in the Reps Council!
A huge thank you to the outgoing council members. You did an outstanding job. It is great to see how each council builds on previous work to grow to the next level of thinking and acting.
At the same time congratulations to the new council members. We trust you and will support wherever we can. You will be the next catalysts of change & progress.