Review Team
During the last week we did a range voting on possible members of the Review team we want to establish. We will reach out to the possible members of that team within the next days to see if they are available and want to help us out there.
Reps OKR
We have refined our Reps OKR and our goal is to have them agreed upon until the end of the week so we can broadly communicate them. Stay tuned!
Regional mobilizer group
For the regional mobilizer group we have decided to reach out to specific people to lead the coordination of this task. The action items will be supported by Brian and Ioana, but we need somebody to coordiante the tasks that need to be done. Keep an eye out on the GitHub issue to stay up to date on these efforts.
Update after the meeting: Daniele has agreed to drive this effort, thanks!
Research before London
In London we will have Design sprints to answer our main open questions regarding the several Working groups we have. For that we will need to do research before London to get the feeling of Reps about the program and then we can work with that in the sprints. One idea is to have every Council member to do an interview about the Reps program with 2 Reps to gather feedback and ideas. We still need to specify the specific tasks we need to do, but stay tuned on the GitHub issue for it.
Update of Reps Issues on GitHub
We have updated the issues on the Reps GitHub repository, have a look there to get involved and keep up to date with what we’re up to.