Council meeting Notes 2018-09-25

Hello amazing Reps,

This month, the Reps Council held a discussion around the Q2 OKRs.

Projects and timeline.

Key Result Owner
Discussions with mentors on leadership agreement Daniele and Manel
60% of the Reps have shared with their community Oarabile and Daniele
All new Reps will have to go through our new onboarding Prathamesh
The involvement of a Council member in the Campaigns design is rated at least as ⅘ by Lucy and Ruben Mayur
70% of the Reps are contributing at the success of the campaigns Edoardo and Irvin
30% of Reps have received appreciation from our appreciation program Manel

Thank you for reading and have a great day!

On behalf of the Reps Council,

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