Hi everyone
Here are the Council Meeting notes from our last meeting on August 12.
Mentor reassignment / new mentees
We discussed the current status of the mentor assignments. We have assigned all longer-outstanding applicants to mentors for interviews. The next step is to get feedback about the Indian applicants, prioritize them and then go ahead there as well.
Mentor onboarding
We discussed on how to onboard new mentors. We will reach out and start the onboarding training shortly.
Process improvements
We discussed a few improvements that came up and will continue to
brainstorm on what we need to change so the Reps Program is as impactful as possible.
Trello weekly check
We checked the current “in progress” tasks from Trello and updated them accordingly. You can find the trello board here: https://trello.com/b/aqQ8cgqz/mozilla-reps
Meeting with peers
After 30 minutes of our Council meeting we were joined by the Reps Peers to talk about strategy and how we can help each other. Both teams will start threads on their side and discuss strategy. To make us more efficient, we decided to have regular meetings to discuss the progress.
These are also archived on the wiki: https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo/Meetings/Council-2015-08-12
Please feel free to use this thread as a discussion thread for these notes.
Council Chair