Thunderbird, and its predecessors (back to Netscape communicator) has always shown the date and time that the email was received by the sender’s server. As far as I know, all email programs do that. (You’ll also find a ‘Date:’ header.)
The latest ‘Received from’ header actually shows the time your email provider’s server received it. Your email client may have got it minutes, hours, even days later; it depends how often it checks for mail, or how often the server pushes it. The server might go offline for a week!
The date/time you got it isn’t shown at all. (It’s probably in a the server’s log if the police wanted to know.)
@DaveRo : thanks again.
Problem not yet solved in fact, but I got you …
A message can be written at 12:00 (time A), sent 2 hours later (time B), get to the initial server 2 minutes later (time C), and then forwarded in a few minutes or more (time D), and then reach you (time E) …
Let’s say an addon, rather than a search in the source code where data is confusing and non-existing eventually, would be a very nice thing … with “date sent” from the initial server to the date and time final server received and date and time received via TB …
These are really important things in some particular instances.
This looks like a Police investigation, but it is not !
So one step ahead is to know how much time it takes between the time it takes usually between hitting the button “send” and the time the initial server gets it !
Can you answer me ?
For the rest, ie initial server and final one, I hope someone will tackle this problem (for POP3 accounts) !
With “control U”, I can get to source coding, BUT
a) I don’t know what “tge” is;
b) i cannot find a “received from” expression (and neither something close such as “received” … !
Optionally, if you need lots of details about the email received and sent date and time, using Thunderbird, navigate to View menu —> Headers option —> All option. The header will be expended, it is long. So you might need to scroll. The number 2 and 3 in the screenshot above show the location of this header.
Optionally, use PrintingTools NG to either preview or print the email and its header to either paper or a PDF file. Which will include both the sent and received date and hour. The number 4 in the screenshot above shows this button. The above works assuming you configured PrintingTools NG appropriately.