the latest version 1.3.4 of my addon (UUID pwm-id50@identos.com) got disabled.
For some reason I did not recieve any information about why this version did not meet your requirements.
Please let me know what is wrong, so I can fix this issue.
One thing that came to my mind is, that the the new version was realeased at the same time as the “expired certificate” problem occurred, causing the addon to be deactivated for all users. So maybe some kind of algorithm detected this and thought that the new version of the addon was faulty, automatically disabling it on AMO.
Thanks for your help!
You should be able to see the reason it got disabled in the version details even if you didn’t receive them per e-mail.
Hello Martin,
unfortunately that’s not the case.
The review history for the updated version only says that it has “been screened and approved for the public”. I’ve actually replied to that message a couple days later, when I noticed that something is wrong, but did not recieve an answer up to now.
What does it say in the “Recent Activity” - is there an entry for disabling?
Also, did you submit the new version via the new version wizard on AMO? Was the version immediately disabled after you finished that wizard? If yes, are you sure you didn’t accidentally choose to disable the version?
The “recent activity” does not mention anything about the addon getting disabled.
Yes, I’ve clicked on “Upload a New Version” and followed the steps in the wizard.
I’m sure that the new version was properly released, as some of our customers already received the update.
Any ideas on how to proceed with this issue?
Should I just increase the version number and reupload the addon?
If you disabled the version on accident or if it was a technical glitch, bumping the version and uploading a new version would be the solution, yes.