December 5, 2017 WebExtensions APIs Triage

The following WebExtensions APIs will be sorted and prioritized at the December 5, 2017 triage meeting at 18:30 UTC/10:30am Pacific. If any of these APIs impact or interest you, please join us.

For more information about the meeting, please visit the triage wiki.

  • Bug 1088996 - Add a way to inject CodeMirror plugins inside the DevTools Editor component
  • Bug 1342563 - Allow downloads to specify a path outside of the downloads folder
  • Bug 1352431 - Provide a way for extensions to control domain -> content process mapping
  • Bug 1419893 - Consider allowing to modify browserAction per window
  • Bug 1419520 - Reader mode can’t be opened if tab is not considered an article
  • Bug 1418984 - Webextensions commands manifest key should allow locale/language specific keyboard shortcut suggestions in manifest.json