That was it… marionette.enabled was true.
Ok, when testing again, I found that trying to set firefox binary to my installation path of DevEd did not work at all and trying to use a DevEd fresh profile…
$capabilitites = DesiredCapabilities::firefox();
$capabilitites->setCapability('firefox_binary', '/opt/firefox-dev/firefox');
$capabilitites->setCapability('moz:firefoxOptions', ['args' => ['-profile', '/home/john/.mozilla/firefox/5way8fyp.automation']]);
self::$driver = RemoteWebDriver::create(self::$serverUrl, $capabilitites);
leads to this line at the end of the test
to cause some problems…
The window did not close at all and I must closed it manually causing a
Process unexpectedly closed with status 0
That does not reset marionette.enabled to false…
Well, after some experimentations, (ex trying to load a WebExtension…)
I’m facing a lot more difficulties than expected…
hard to use Firefox for testing with Selenium.
Thx for the tip…