Different statuses of my add-on's new version

Hey everyone!

As you can see in the screenshot below, the status in the top left says “Approved” and indicates that the new version will be listed next. However, at the bottom of the image, you can see another status: “Awaiting Review.”

Is this a bug? Usually, it only takes one day for a new version to be approved; sometimes, it happens automatically in just a few minutes. But this time, it has been like this for around five days.

Should I remove the update and try again? Thanks in advance!

The upper left box shows a “current status” of your addon - when it was last released, what version it its, and whether THAT version is approved or not :slight_smile:, so as you can see the version 1.0.1 (the previous one), is still Approved.

But the new upcoming 1.1 version still waits for review.

There are some special cases when a new update is “flaged” for manual review. So you’ll have to wait till the reviewer processes it. This usually takes several days, or even a whole week.

It’s too bad the store doesn’t show the review queue position… can someone tell me why it was removed? Is that some security feature? :slight_smile:
It was super useful and reassuring to see my addon moving in the queue over the days.

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Hi @juraj.masiar! Thanks for your answer. :slight_smile:

You’re right; a queue would be really helpful for getting some feedback on progress.

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