I have a function whose purpose is to prompt the user for input and apply that to the selected text.
It works fine, and can generate multiple popups if included in the code, as in the case of a URL wizard, of generate a quote where, if the user name is left blank, then an equal sign is added.
What would be passed into the function is an argument like this:
It will process a popup, and if a name is entered you get:
and if you enter nothing , you get:
This works fine on an insecure site, but on a secure (HTTPS) site, you have to enter the dialogue box 3 times, and I get a timeout message in the console log:
Error: Timeout after 1000ms dom.js:243:28
Am I missing something here in basic JavaScript functionality?
Function below:
function popThisUp(popArg) {
while (popArg.includes("zzpopup")) { // cycle through multiple popups until done
let popStartIdx = popArg.indexOf("{{zzpopup"); // start of popup argument in commend string
let popEndIdx = popArg.indexOf("}}", popStartIdx) + 2; // end of popup argument in command string
let popWork = popArg.substring(popStartIdx, popEndIdx); // extract the portion of the argument that has to do with making the popup
popWork = popWork.substring(10, popWork.length - 2); //remove the "{{zzpopup," from the beginning of argument, and "}}" from the end.
let popTitle = popWork.substring(0, popWork.indexOf(",")); // popup title, possibly including i18n localization tag
if (popTitle.includes("i18n")) { //if there is a localization tag
popTitle = browser.i18n.getMessage(popTitle.substring(5)); // replace with i18n value
let popToReplaceStart = popWork.indexOf("##"); //start index of string to replace
let popToReplaceEnd = popWork.indexOf("##",popToReplaceStart + 1); //end index of string to replace.
var textToReplace = popWork.substring(popToReplaceStart,popToReplaceEnd +2);
popWork = popWork.substring(popWork.indexOf(",") + 1); //drop title from popWork
popWork = popWork.substring(popWork.indexOf(",") + 1); //drop string to be replaced from popWork
popupBefore = popWork.substring(0, popWork.indexOf(",")); //text to be added before entered text
popupAfter = popWork.substring(popWork.lastIndexOf(",")+1); //text to be added before entered text
let popupResp = prompt(popTitle);
if (popupResp === null || popupResp === "") { // if the prompt is left blank, produce empty response
popupResp = "";
popupBefore = "";
popupAfter = "";
let popUpHere = (popupBefore + popupResp + popupAfter);
// add stuff to allow '\n\' to creat new line from popup
popUpHere = popUpHere.replace(/\\\\n/g,'~_~_~n'); // use '\\n' to actually enter '\n\'
popUpHere = popUpHere.replace(/\\n/g,'\n');
popUpHere = popUpHere.replace(/~_~_~n/g,'\\n');
popArg = popArg.substring(0, popStartIdx) + popArg.substring(popEndIdx); //string it together with popup removed
popArg = popArg.replace(new RegExp(textToReplace,"g"),popUpHere); //replace hashtag with word prompt results
//send back whatever you got from the dialog box
return popArg;
I am unclear as to why this is looping and timing out.