Hello, I have created a custom thing from esp8266 and DHT22. I added my thing as a Multi Level Sensor and everything was fine. Now on Gateway in thing options I changed to Temperature Sensor, and my thing disappeared from Gateway: “Thing not found.”. What could be the reason for this behavior? Thanks for the help.
Hello, i have the same problem.
In arduino im created TemperatureSensor, with property TemperatureProperty.
in gateway click on + then add url. ok. show me “temperature sensor” click on save and then done. But in things is invisible. in rule is visible. When im change property from TemperatureProperty to other, when is after add visible, but with wrong title.
Problem is only show temperature on things desktop.
in temperature is not minimum and maximum.
Im not JS developer, but fixed this problem. Maybe help you identifing where is problem.
In file static/js/schema-impl/catability/temperature-sensor.js was
“this.displayedProperties[this.temperatureProperty].property.unit” - property is null, render failed. Im change to
“this.unit = Utils.unitNameToAbbreviation(“degree celsius”);” and work.
Now im look, in git, there is a change in file and now is works without my change.