I have used Disconnect for Firefox for over a year (the free one) and since the 51.0.1 update, disconnect no longer works and I can’t find any help on Mozilla or the Disconnect website. Does anyone have any idea what is wrong and how to fix it?
I’ve come to depend on Disconnect from both a personal and a business standpoint, and was disheartened when it quite working for me, too. I wrote to the Disconnect people, who said that they’re working on it (more than a week ago now), and I found a similar notation on some Firefox support site as well. What I’ve done is to ‘downgrade’ my Firefox browser back to Version 49.0, which I had to download from a third-party site. Disconnect is working just fine under this version. but Firefox reminds me a couple of times an hour that I really, really should update (back) to 51.0.1. I’ll keep checking, but until Disconnect gets fixed, I’m staying where I am.
How do you downgrade Firefox to a previous version?
I wasn’t able to find a previous version of Firefox on the Mozilla site, but when I searched the Web, turns out that FileHippo.com had it for download. It seemed safe enough, so I did just that, installed it right over 51.0.1, and it picked up all the bookmarks, add-ons, etc. The only problem is the nags from Mozilla to update. Make sure you have automatic updates turned off, or it will go right back to 51.0.1. I hope the Disconnect guys get that business fixed soon; probably not terrible safe to run outdated browser versions.