Do I need to submit source code when using TypeScript?

Mozilla Add-ons submission page states:

Do You Need to Submit Source Code?

You may need to submit source code. If you don’t, your add-on may be removed from the site!

Please review the source code submission policy. Do you use any of the following?

  • Code minifiers or obfuscators
  • Tools that combine multiple files into a single file, such as webpack
  • Web template engines, both for HTML and CSS
  • Any other tool that takes code or files, applies processing, and generates code or file(s) to include in the add-on

Do I need to submit source when using TypeScript compiler?

I think it depends, but probably not because:

  • TypeScript compiler does not minify or obfuscate
  • TypeScript compiler does not combine multiple files into a single file
  • TypeScript compiler is not a Web template engine
  • When compiling to the same module format and when not targeting a different ECMAScript release, TypeScript compiler does not generate code

The only time I think I would need to submit source code when using TypeScript is if I wrote the extension using CommonJS modules or used features in ESNext that added polyfills or fundamentally rewrote the code.

I would appreciate confirmation of this interpretation and clarification on ADO. Thanks!

The TypeScript compiler will generate code if you use certain features of TS (apart from polyfills or module transforms). So generally when using TS you’d have to submit your source code.