Do you blog about participation at Mozilla? We want to know!


We are setting up a Planet to gather all blog posts that mozillians are publishing about participation at Mozilla.

Do you blog about participation? Let us know here!

We just need you to have a “participation” category or tag and a specific rss feed for it.



I blog about the events and Mozilla stuff here but is not a bad idea blog about the community partecipation.
As a Rep i contact other italian mozillians for a public etherpad for aggregate our partecipation to publish in our forum weekly/monthly.

Just to add onto this post:

Participation is about sharing your thoughts, experiments, learning and success in participation at Mozilla. It could also be a post on a proposal you have to help Mozilla improve participation, but it should help other people learn from your experiences vrs ‘reporting type posts on volunteering activities’. Let us know if you have any questions!

I’m trying to get back to write more often in my blog, so I have to decide between two tags, or create a category maybe for the feed:


Here is mine article about participate in Mozilla, however it’s not in pure-english. Do we need to keep it english only?

Yes please :slight_smile:

Then, is it “English only”, or it can be “English summery with local lang. content”?

The post syndicated should be in English and since we are using a tag it should be easy to post an article in English and another one in your local language without the tag (so it won’t be syndicated).

This way we can have the planet just in English.

Why do we care if there were a bunch of different languages?

There’s lots of great machine translation tools out there that will allow
people to read something in a different language.

For the first phase I think we should to stick to English only (as Mozilla planet) so people can get the content directly. People following the planet via RSS or other channels are not going to take the time to go a translation tool, copy & paste the text.

We can evaluate having more languages later without making it a noise problem for planet readers.

Why should the default be English only and add more languages later? That’s exclusive by default vs. open/inclusive by default.

Let’s cast a wider net and then shrink it if there is noise and if people are annoyed.

We are a global community. People have ideas and blog in many different languages, and I think we should be encouraging people to see what’s said in other parts of the world by making that visible. That’s especially the case for Participation.

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+1 to this, mostly because I’m curious about what’s happening that I wouldn’t otherwise know about because it’s not delivered in our main English channels. It might also perhaps be a good experiment to help Reps figure out how this could work there as well?

sorry for name-pinging, but I know there are likely some out there we can launch with this week:

@fayetandog wondering if you have a feed we can include? ( know you’re busy with lots of things :slight_smile:

@jswisher any MDN feeds you think we can include?

@marcia are there any feeds that you/qa/firefox share participation stories & outcomes?

@CaptainCalliope still writing on participation?

@r_oVhPfcJCUUC5wbm6i4_C2Q - do we include Mark Surmans blog? He doesn’t seem to have specific tags for participation, but has been a primary topic.

+1, it would be cool to have a specific tag to separate from other topic he writes about.

I can ask Mark today if he can build in a tag.

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I have been blogging about the BuddyUp Pilot and other community things here:

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MDN community stuff goes in

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That’s great, do you think you can set up a tag/category for just the content about participation? Thanks! :smiley: