Does Mozilla plan to support chrome.debugger protocol in WebExtension API?

Hi all,

Currently the chrome.debugger API is missed from the WebExtension API. It could not be found from the supported API list.

I have found several documents relative debugging:

So my questions are:

  1. Does FF plan to supply a similar API like chrome.debugger and if so then when it will be added?
  2. The debugger API supplied by Firefox developer tools is used legacy syntax. Does it will be keep supported after legacy and addon-SDK API deprecated?
  3. Developer tool and Firebug reference the developer tool API with Components.utils. Does this API would be exposed to WebExtension in the future?


Thanks in advance.

It looks like the answer is “no”. There’s separate work ongoing for a devtools API, but I don’t think it covers that API.

Recently I found two newer tickets relative to chrome.debugger. Does it means it will be implement in this year? Thank you.

It looks like 1316741 states we are interested in implementing it. However, it still seems to have a relatively low priority (P3) and may depend on other changes that need to happen in Firefox.

Got it, thank you! :slight_smile: