Domain issues

Hi for some reason my Https:// isn’t responding , is anybody else having the same problem or knows what might be causing it. At the moment I can only access WT, locally using it’s IP address, I can’t access it out of the house which is rather inconvenient. Hope someone can shed some light on it. Thanks

There has been an issue for several weeks… Review previous posts.

I use SSH or Wireguard to access my home network so I am not bothered by this issue.

Highly recommend Wireguard. When on vacation for a couple weeks, my laptop maintained a 100% up vpn split-tunnel connection into my home network using Wireguard. Very low overhead and very efficient. Once you get it configured it just works.

Hi again Eric and once again thanks for your reply.

Very interesting because a friend of mine who lives in the same area as me has no such problems.

Wireguard, never heard of it but I’ll Google it. That said do you know of any instructions for use with Webthings because it would be a big help if there were plus I might get it done quicker. And I’m no expert when it comes to programming.
But thanks, I’ll look into it in the morning.

Much appreciated

But thanks

Hi @lodgemoorlad1,

As per several previous forum posts, there is an issue which is causing TLS certificates to not renew when they expire, which is why the issue is affecting people at different times.

There is a fix available and I expect it to be pushed out to gateways soon, but it’s taking longer than I would like to generate a new release.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Hi Ben,

Thanks for the heads-up with this, I’m very very grateful for you support and help.

And it’s good to know you’re working on a fix as I’m not too hot when it comes to software.

Much appreciated, thanks :+1:

Wireguard is a VPN service. It accepts incoming connections and establishes a secure encrypted tunnel from remote clients. Once a tunnel is established you can access any IP address on your home network (assuming WG is configured correctly and there are no subnet or ip conflicts). Applications that communicate over the network, like a web browser, will just work; there is no special configuration needed once the VPN is established.

There are network considerations when installing Wireguard. My home subnet is 192.168.0.x/24 and my remote network is: 192.168.1.x/24 (for example, but could be any public subnet). All traffic destined to 192.168.0.x is routed over the secure VPN. If your familiar with SSH public and private keys, Wireguard uses the same concept to encrypt traffic over the VPN.

I would just google Wireguard Installation On RPI. There are several updated instruction guides. I’ve not used the PIVPN script that will come up first. Creating the WG configuration file may be difficult the first time but once it’s done once it’s easy to modify to allow additional clients to connect.

My home network uses FREEDDNS to register it’s current IP address which provides a domain name and a script that executes a couple times a day and at server reboot to update it’s current address (should it change by my service provider).

Hi Eric, more very useful information, that’s very kind of you.

I have made a Pi VPN before and it worked ok however, I had to use the pi for another project so maybe it’s time I built another and this might be a useful possibility.

Martin joined in the chat and he’s working on a fix for the original problem so due to other pressures I can’t do anything at the moment so I’ll see how things go. I’m also no whizz kid with software it takes me ages. Hence I need a clear slot , a long one. But at least you’ve been kind enough to get me started, which I’m grateful for . Thanks again it’s appreciated :+1::+1: