One of my machines sits behind a corporate firewall with controlled proxy access restricted to a locked down version of IE. I was previously able to find a download link for extensions that I could download/save in IE and then load into Firefox locally (even though it doesn’t have internet access)… I am no longer seeing those links.
Is there any way to download or determine the download link for an extension when browsing with IE? Any kind of a kluge or possible way to generate or determine the needed URL? If I have the URL I can still do the download, but to date I don’t know how to determine what it is from the website.
Currently I have to find an extension link on a separate machine using Firefox and then use that link (which will work to perform the download), but getting the initial link and then getting it transferred to the machine of interest is difficult.
There is no “+ Add to Firefox” button running the site in IE, and the addons site has changed where there is no alternate link listed anymore either (in any obvious manner), if you aren’t accessing it using Firefox.
That’s partially correct, but Firefox only works internally on the intranet (and with a limited number of non-filtered external sites), since external access is blocked using a restricted/locked down proxy with a custom version of IE.
I’ve found an answer to this actually. It turns out the URL is available in the HTML even if it is disabled on the page, by viewing the HTML page source and looking for the .xpi link available for the correct platform. Using that I can just copy/paste as needed for the download, without having to use a separate computer to get the correct link.