Do I understand correctly that your basic problem is as follows:
in 2018 you published an addon,
now you want to publish an update to it and have everyone with the extension installed to receive the update automatically,
you no longer have access to the account originally used for publishing the addon?
If you do still have access, you should use that account for publishing the update and/or adding your new account as an additional owner (and possibly transferring ownership to it). If you no longer have access… I’m not really sure whether there’s some recovery procedure that could allow you to prove that you really should have access to that addon (I’m not a Mozilla person, maybe they have something).
This phrase does not make much sense - account email address and addon ID are different things, they can match, but that does not change anything.
I don’t know of any regular way to move an addon from an account that no one has access to. If you insist, you may want to ask in the Matrix room (via if you don’t know what Matrix is), but I’m afraid you’ll be told to publish a new extension and migrate users out of band.