Hello, I’ve got a little problem. I just wanted to make new theme and I’ve received a message with “Duplicate Submission”. But there’s one problem - my theme (which I wanted to make just for myself) was totally flat - header, footer and backgound has the same, FLAT colour and a little bit lighter color for tabs - linked Themes was completely ugly for me, they were “shining” and “gradient” ones. The one I made is perfect for me and fits my computer well, but Mozilla team won’t add it.
How could I make a theme just for myself or change the colour of Firefox in any other way?
Thanks for help (sorry if I made any mistakes, English is not my primary (or even secondary…) language
Sorry to bump this up when it has been, well not really resolved but somewhat closed.
I have a very similar problem. I made a theme and originally just wanted to update it but then I saw that there are actually some people using it and I didn’t want them to get a ‘surprise update’ so I made a second version (and as always the description text I typed in when first submitting it got deleted) and it was rejected as a duplicate.
When I update it, will the other users get a ‘surprise update’ or will it be different just for new users?