In case anyone missed it the W3C is moving toward standardized URLs for spec drafts. Part of that standard is a short name for the spec. Maybe one of these days SpecName.ejs will only need to contain exceptions, meaning specs that don’t have a standard URL.
That’s great news. Any progress toward standardizing specs is a win for us, because not only does it help us reduce one-off code, but it means gradually being able to automate more of the things.
The dream is that one day we will be able to reliably build the initial frameworks for the docs for an API by pulling the WebIDL out of specs and generating the initial structure that way, ready to fill out human-generated details and clever examples.
Eric Shepherd
Senior Technical Writer
MDN Web Docs:
Who’s heading up that effort?
There isn’t really an “effort” yet per sé. We’ve done some experiments; Jean-Yves has for example written a script that pulls IDL from specs and generates framework docs from it, but since there’s so much inconsistency in spec formats, it isn’t entirely reliable.
I think all of us have done at least some work on experimenting with tooling up to automate parts of the documentation process.