End of Year Activity campaign

Sorry for Chiming in so much later!

I have 2 queries , so would love if someone helps me by replying!

  1. Suppose, One community has many Sub Community Like local Community, Functional Community. So, should the local community & Functional Community create their Community Yearbook or it is better to create one for all the community ?

  2. Suppose, I am mobilizing more than 30 people to do activities with Firefox OS. So, should I report about their activities as report? and also, should I report back every activities as report or one report per mozillian is advised ? (Like one can file bug, Triage Bug, Verify Bug - So, should there one report for all or 3 for 3)

If I should not report about the mozillian activities, what is the way for the council to know how many people I am mobilizing or how I am mobilizing? Is their any suggestion for this case ?

wow this looks great! It would be fantastic if you could add it to the yearbook document.

It’s really great to learn so many things about the communities, don’t miss the yearbook and add yours!

Thanks Rosana, but I am a little confused, where do I have to add the slide? I thought I had to fill the template slide and share it publicly. Could you please tell me what to do with the slide?

Hi Erick,

Here with the rest, so that there is one stop for all communities: http://bit.ly/1LDAp45
Thank you!!!

Thanks Rosana, done!

The idea is one per community, all together.

You can report you have been working on project planning. Individual Reps should report their individual activities.

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Wow Wow

I love the concept of the year book! I believe its going to greatly impact and inspire the way communities have been working. Knowing that Reps are recognized is more than just an inspiration…it feels like one global community of Reps!! This year has been amazing for the Uganda community and we want to continue rocking!

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Just a note, there are Reps who have flagged themselves inactive for a certain period of time (before this initiative was announced). It would be unfair to move them to Alumni when they gave a headsup that they won’t be available for that time. We should keep that in mind.

According to https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/alumni-and-leaving-policy/1738 and https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo/SOPs/Leaving, those reps should be flagged as Alumni anyway. I guess that comments on whether that covers all bases as good as it can are probably best served in the alumni discourse thread.

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Thanks @Christos . I have completed and submitted Mozilla Pune community’s Yearbook. \o/

Hi Chris. Mine is done too. Thanks for giving us this welcoming activity.

My Best Wishes to you all for the New Year 2016.

Hello everybody, we have just updated the yearbook with Mozilla Ecuador slide. :slight_smile:

I have added the Mozilla Pakistan community’s slide in the Mozilla Communities Yearbook 2015 :smile:

Happy New Year Everyone!

The dutch community slide is added to the yearbook.

Happy new year and let’s rock in 2016

Will start working on a Swedish one today or tommorow :slight_smile:

made a placeholder on slide 4

Hi all,

I started working for slide 34, Mozilla Chile community link :flushed:

Status: Work in progress

Lourdes :raising_hand:

Will start on Sweden next week when i am less busy, better late then never :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

thanks very much!

6 posts were split to a new topic: What do to with inactive Reps in the program