- All Reps will get a certificate recognizing their contribution to Mozilla.
- Reps that have been inactive for 3 months by December 31st will be moved to Alumni.
- We want to see activity at the end of the year.
- We propose 2 main areas: community yearbook and Firefox OS.
- We’ll have special surprises for the Reps and communities that go above and beyond.
The Mozilla Reps program has usually provided a great way to document the work that Mozillians do, this year we want to make sure that Reps get a certificate for their contributions to Mozilla! The activity certificate will be awarded to all Reps who are active by the end of the year.
What does this mean for you? If you are an active Rep you will automatically get one! If you haven’t found the time to be active and have been inactive for more than 3 months by December 31st, we will also award you a certificate and transition you to Alumni according to our SOP.
This means that by the end of the year we want every single Rep to have a certificate that recognizes their contributions to the Mozilla project!
We also want to use this end of the year to push some cool initiatives that are important to the Mozilla mission. So we want you Reps to help us!
Starts: November 30th 2015
Ends: December 31st 2015
Community yearbook
The Mozilla communities universe is difficult to explore for people outside of the community, we want your help to create a community yearbook and show all Mozillians your fantastic community and its achievements!
The idea is that you fill one page of the yearbook with the information about YOUR community, local, regional, or national, whatever you identify with. You will work together with the other Reps in that community and help us fill our cool Yearbook. In this way Mozillians all around the world will be able to learn about what you’re doing!
What is the best way to fill the Yearbook?
- Run a survey or check your resources to know:
- Who you are? Number of mozillians, reps, fsas…
- What are the main initiatives or focus areas (could be the functional areas)
- What were the main initiatives, activities and events in 2015?
- What were the biggest achievements in 2015?
- How is the community organized?
- How do people coordinate their work?
- What are your main goals for 2016?
The council and mentors will give you a bit of feedback and sometimes ask for some more detail, so we hope we can work together in making this yearbook fantastic!
We made an example page for the yearbook that we hope will inspire you. Yous make a copy of the template slide and edit it. The more detail and links you provide, the better.
In the portal you will have the chance to report this new activity under Community Yearbook Initiative. There will be a special surprise for the 5 communities that have the best documented resources regarding 2015 and their plans for 2016.
Here’s a link to our Yearbook:
Firefox OS activities
In order to help Firefox OS get to new heights we want all Reps to help us to get as many people as possible to do the following activities:
- Install 2.5 Developer Preview (b2gDroid) on your Android Device
- Report a bug
- Fix a bug
- Install latest Firefox OS version
- Help port Firefox OS to an Android device
- Create an add-on
- Help verify/triage a bug
So if you complete these activities you are really helping us, but if you get many Mozillians to do these activities you are really deepening your impact!
In the Reps portal you will have the chance to report these new activities under Firefox OS Participation Initiative. We’ll have a special surprise for the 5 Reps who mobilize the most Mozillians to help us with Firefox OS.
Let the end-of-year fun begin!
Important: Please note that planning events requiring budget for the month of December is not advised as the Council will be busy working on a proposal. Furthermore the budget processing will be almost completely shut for the last 2 weeks of December due to end of year budget review.