EP.1 Community Events Workshop: What's next!

Hello Common Voice Community,

Session Recording now available on AirMozilla

On 31st March at 6:30pm-7:30pm (UTC+1), I am hosting a Community Events Workshop as part of a community series - secure your spot today by registering via zoom.

This page is being created to support participants and viewers of the workshop recording to engage with resources, materials and to connect with community members also running events.

[Page being updated]

Workshop Materials

  1. Slides
  2. Comparison of online tools and platforms by Txpoi
  3. Sl.ido event page for polls and Q+A
  4. Community Google Drive for events planning templates


  1. Mozilla Resource Reps

The Resources Track is the track for Reps who wish to empower their communities (be it local/regional or functional) by enabling them request resources the Reps program has.

Reps that specialize in resources are trained to help communities and plan strategically how they use these. This ensures that resources (budget and others) of the program are used in the most impactful way and according to the guidance provided by Mozilla’s strategy and the Council.

Contact us here: reps-resources@mozilla.com


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