Error download ds_ctcdecoder

After executing the “pip3 install $ command (python3 util / --decoder)” error

pip3 install

Collecting ds-ctcdecoder==0.4.0a0 from
  HTTP error 404 while getting
  Could not install requirement ds-ctcdecoder==0.4.0a0 from because of error 404 Client Error: Not Found for url:
Could not install requirement ds-ctcdecoder==0.4.0a0 from because of HTTP error 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: for URL

Software versions:
installed asn1crypto-0.24.0 attrdict-2.0.0 bcrypt-3.1.4 beautifulsoup4-4.6.3 bs4-0.0.1 certifi-2018.10.15 cffi-1.11.5 chardet-3.0.4 cryptography-2.4.1 cycler-0.10.0 idna-2.7 kiwisolver-1.0.1 matplotlib-2.2.3 numexpr-2.6.8 pandas-0.22.0 paramiko-2.4.2 progressbar2-3.38.0 pyasn1-0.4.4 pycparser-2.19 pynacl-1.3.0 pyparsing-2.3.0 python-speech-features-0.6 python-utils-2.3.0 pyxdg-0.26 requests-2.20.1 scipy-1.1.0 sox-1.3.3 tables-3.4.4 tensorflow-1.12.0rc2 urllib3-1.24.1

Python 3.4.9
deepspeech 3.0

Name        : gcc
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 4.8.5
Release     : 28.el7_5.1

Thanks, it’s a mistake on our side

1 Like

Fix is in flight, you can already pull latest master branch, but the builds are still running.

Newly built artifacts are coming: you should be able to get them now, please ensure you are on uptodate master branch.

Thank. Now everything is ok.

Hi @lissyx ,
My training is running but I never installed this package(ds_ctcdecoder). I use GPU for training and not CPU. Do I need this package as well?

  1. And when I tried running the command, it gave me this error. error: the following arguments are required: --target

@lissyx I am aware that you require additional information as well like system info and other important info.

I am very new into all this. Can you share commands which pull appropriate info needed for sharing…Will appreciate a lot.


Please do not post screenshots for debugging, I cannot read them.

@anna Are you sure you are training on current master branch ?

I believe so… I set up my environment when 0.3.0 was released. Anyway I can get to know about it?

Any way i can check that?

(deepspeech-env) Abhay@deepspeech-node4-vm:/opt/deepspeech/Abhay/deepspeech-git/ DeepSpeech$ python3 util/ --decoder
usage: [-h] --target TARGET [–arch ARCH] [–artifact ARTIFACT]
[–source SOURCE] [–branch BRANCH] error: the following arguments are required: --target

(deepspeech-env) Abhay@deepspeech-node4-vm:/opt/deepspeech/Abhay/deepspeech-git/ DeepSpeech$ python3 util/ --decoder --target
usage: [-h] --target TARGET [–arch ARCH] [–artifact ARTIFACT]
[–source SOURCE] [–branch BRANCH] error: argument --target: expected one argument
(deepspeech-env) Abhay@deepspeech-node4-vm:/opt/deepspeech/Abhay/deepspeech-git/ DeepSpeech$ pip3 install $(python3 util/ --decoder)
usage: [-h] --target TARGET [–arch ARCH] [–artifact ARTIFACT]
[–source SOURCE] [–branch BRANCH] error: the following arguments are required: --target
ERROR: You must give at least one requirement to install (see “pip help install”)

Then you are not on the current master. Please git fetch origin && git checkout origin/master

It gave me an error…

(deepspeech-env) Abhay@deepspeech-node4-vm:/opt/deepspeech/Abhay/deepspeech-git/ DeepSpeech$ git fetch origin && git checkout origin/master

remote: Enumerating objects: 598, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (598/598), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (100/100), done.
remote: Total 1442 (delta 531), reused 562 (delta 497), pack-reused 844
Receiving objects: 100% (1442/1442), 20.94 MiB | 20.35 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (756/756), completed with 100 local objects.

  • [new branch] chuvash -> origin/chuvash
  • 5a0db3d…20087d2 dscorpus -> origin/dscorpus (forced update)
  • [new branch] issue1735 -> origin/issue1735
    f11ccbe…f5d3dcd master -> origin/master
    80e9190…4ef929d tf-master -> origin/tf-master
  • [new branch] transfer-learning -> origin/transfer-learning
  • [new tag] v0.4.0-alpha.0 -> v0.4.0-alpha.0

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.

It looks like you did some changes, you need to rebase …

Please read the documentation about training: you have to install tensorflow-gpu and not tensorflow package.

I can’t help you more, this is a TensorFlow issue now.