ES6 modules and Firefox debugger?

Could it be that the Firefox debugger does not yet support ES6 modules? Whenever I set a breakpoint somewhere in a module, it is just ignored…

As hard as it sound, I usually use chrome(ium) to debug my extensions (even tho I only publish them on firefox), since the firefox debugger is so buggy, that every time I need to use it, I need to close and reopen the debugger every now and then, since it went awol.

To answer your question… I just tried compiling my typescript to es6 modules and added a breakpoint and it worked as expected. It was, however, bundled via webpack, so I’m not sure if this affects the outcome.

Have you tried using a “debugger;” statement rather than a breakpoint? And are you sure that code is actually reached?

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With webpack it depends on the target format you select. Webpack possibly removes all es modulery from your code.

Obviously this thing here is about native ES6 modules, not Webpack. Of course everything works when you run it through webpack. That’s not the point.

Actually, I also found the reason: It’s really a very annoying bug in Firefox.
Just hope it get’s fixed soon.

What’s that?

It’s a way to set breakpoints from code:

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Thanks for that trick. And, BTW, this does indeed work even with ES6 modules.

was an issue on my site, deleted