Evaluación Marcado de Carta

Hola! acabo de completar la Evaluación de Marcado de Carta. Estoy aprendiendo y con mucho positivismo!. :slight_smile:

Comparto el link de publicación.


Hola @marcofabrizioponce and welcome to the community :wave:

Congratulations! Great job on this task. :medal_sports:

I have just some small improvements:

  • You don’t need the <p> inside <address>
  • The <time> is not part of the address and should be outside
  • The cite attribute of the <q> element is only used for an URL to the source of the quote. It’s not needed in this exercise.

Keep up the great work and feel free to ask questions if something isn’t clear. :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a nice day,

thanks michael :wave:

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