Evaluation of OOJS exercises - Correction


OOJS: Task 1
function Shape(name, sides, sideLength) {

  this.name = name;

  this.sides = sides;

  this.sideLength = sideLength;        

    // function that does the calculation

  this.calcPermiter =  function(){

    return console.log((this.sides)*+this.sideLength) 


// add a new instance to Shape

let square = new Shape("Square", 2,5)    

let triangle = new Shape("triangle", 2,3)

(no script tag I took to load the code on the site)

FOLLOW THE EXERCISE LINK : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Objects/Test_your_skills:_Object-oriented_JavaScript

Hello @Hacker_Man_De_Souza

you doing great well done

just little thing
replace this


also you have type here

 return console.log((this.sides)*+this.sideLength) 

you write *+ which not valid

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

with this

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Why *+ is not valid ?

cause you either multiplay or add but what will *+ do ?

the only thing that close to that is *= or += which
x += y mean x = x + y
x *=y mean x = x * y

there no +*

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

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Is repeating
side * 6
(this side) + (this side) + (this side) + (this side) + (this side) + (this side)

My side variable is accumulating the values ​​while my sideLength will be as many times as the side will repeat doing the perimeter calculation …

since the calculation of the Permiter for triangle is different than the square you need to create 2 make triangle and square subclass of shape

then write Permiter function for each one since the calculations is different

The program returns the 2 correct values ​​of the Triangle and Square perimeter
console.log (10) - square

console.log (6) - triangle

it worked perfectly I didn’t understand what you wanted to show me The program returns the 2 correct values ​​of the Triangle and Square perimeter
console.log (10) - square

console.log (6) - triangle

it worked perfectly I didn’t understand what you wanted to show me

How would you do it?

sorry it’s my bad i reread the questions and you are right

it the sides f the triangle are equal that why you do not need to do that
just multiplay the number of sides by the side length

sorry for my miss understand

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All right my friend !

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