bonjour @mikoMK! comment-allez vous? je souhaiterai être évaluer sur la disposition en grille merci beaucoup
I will give you feedback to all four grid tasks here. For the future it’s okay to put all task links from one exercise into one post.
Congratulations. Well solved!
- Task 1:
- Task 2:
Mostly correct. You don’t need
display: grid;
on the items, since they are only Grid items and not Grid containers.
There’s also a shorthand method that is a bit shorter:.item1 { grid-column: 1 / 3; grid-row: 1 / 3; } .item2 { grid-column: 2 / 4; grid-row: 2 / 4; }
- Task 3:
- Task 4:
Correct. Maybe also add
flex-wrap: wrap;
so they neatly wrap on smaller displays.
See you and have a nice day,
bonjour @mikoMK! héhéhé
tu as raison cela ferait moins de travail, merci pour avoir corriger mes exercices bonne journée
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