Evaluation sur les design adaptives

bonjour @mikoMK! j’aimerai être évaluer sur les “design adaptives” j’ai un peu du mal avec 'la disposition flex ’ :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:. J’ai suivi votre conseils de l’autre jour à propos de github je ne sais pas si cela fonctionne :thinking: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:
merci Michel

Bonjour @fenosoaliva_ratovoson

When you have activated GitHub Pages there should be a link to the respective github.io page where one can see the running code. Could you post it please? :slightly_smiling_face:


Bonjour @mikoMK!
hihihi :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: comme ceci
C:\Users\RATOVOSON Liva\Documents\GitHub\Fenosoa.github.io\responsivetask\index.html

Hi @fenosoaliva_ratovoson

I finally had time to look at your code:

  • Is there a special reason to have two @media blocks? It seems they are the same and could be merged.
  • You could remove the three blocks .title, header nav and header a and instead use justify-content: space-between; and align-items: center; on the header block.
  • header a { border: 0; } would remove the top borders from the links.
  • The two grids are fine. :+1:

This is a local path from your computer. What I meant is that there should be an URL to your running code on github.io somewhere. As an example the MDN code at
learning-area/html/forms/styling-examples/radios-styled.html at main · mdn/learning-area · GitHub is visible at
Radio buttons styled

I think the problem is that somehow your code is in a different branch than main, namely Fenosoaliva-patch-1.

I hope that helps :smiley:

bonjour @mikoMK!ooo je vois alors je devrais personnaliser le lien,sauf que je ne sais pas comment faire :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:
merci Michel