In a page accessed from the web the red border is missing.
I have two questions
It’s my understanding that the script does not work as described “runs
some code on every page load”. Is this a bug or is it something that exists
from the start
and that was not explained for some mysterious reasons ?
What would be the changes needed to have a red border on every loaded
pages ?
No, the code never worked except for the situation (about:blank, and so on) described above. You mean: you have that red box also around “normal” web page ?
Yes, every page. Well, every page with a body. about:preferences doesn’t get a border, presumably XUL only.
about: pages are not in the content process, although this is being planned for the future. Probably something is preventing the frame script being installed in the content process, or is preventing it from running properly. Try your test with multiprocess disabled and see if the border shows up. Frame scripts will still be loaded, but they’ll all be in the chrome process.
Since the snippet works (although it is dumb to call the global message manager from an XUL overlay as described), there is probabl;y something wrong with the structure of your addon around the snippet. You can use this multiprocess-compatible addon as a template:
Upon some more testing, this is what I see: if the modify_all_page example is installed by dragging the xpi file over the addon tab, the result differs from what I see if the addon is installed in a local directory as explained here under Firefox extension proxy file (I copy a file named that contains the path to the directory where the extension is U:\docs\xprog\mozff\border_red)
Strangely, a web page that I defined as a home page, or the nightly start page have no red border with this second setup.
When I said that the example was not working, I had installed the js file in the directory of the addon I’m trying to adapt to e10s.