Export emails in a folder to your hard drive

I’m new this forum not sure if this is posted in the correct section.

I have TB 59.2 on a W10 ASUS ROG Strix gaming laptop because of the clear menu & would like to export emails in a folder to my hard drive. If that is possible, if so how do I accomplish that?


Does this addon do what you want?

DaveRo, :smiley:
Thanks for your quick response.

My version of TB is too old. I use this older version so I’m not getting update notices all the time as they interrupt my work, also this ver has clearer icons on the menu.

I only need email that I can insert an image into the msg screen. Outlook Express would work fine as the Important Part of communication is in the content.

Is there a Firefox division/area of this forum?


How about the original version of the same addon?

The Firefox category us here: