Express web framework (Node.js/JavaScript) tutorial

I am having problems with the Express tutorial on the section about using mlab. Specifically “node populatedb” followed by the mlab url does not work. I get the following error:
ERROR: You need to specify a valid mongodb URL as the first argument. Do you have a solution? I have connected to the mlab db in the mongo shell, but I am having trouble sending the data to mlab in a script format as per the tutorial.

Hi there,

We are currently updating all of the server-side modules, as a few things have changed recently. We’ll investigate this problem as we do the updates.

More soon on this.

The script does very basic checking that you have the right URI format when you pass the mongodb URL. Essentially just that it starts with “mongodb://”. So I suspect you’re missing the url.

So should look something like:

node populatedb.js 'mongodb://'