today I migrated an old extension to the new WebExtension API. Testing was ok, so I uploaded it and signed it on AMO. It’s a self hosted add-on. So I downloaded the signed file and tried to install it.
Installing on Firefox 55.0.1 on Linux was fine, no problems.
Installing on Firefox 55.0.1 on Windows 7 always force a corruption error and says signing was invalid? Anyone with such a strange behaviour?
It’s possible that some program running on Windows (like an antivirus) is manipulating the file in some way that breaks the signature. You could try downloading it and seeing if the SHA checksum matches the original.
This was my first thought, also. So I deactivated the antivirus on my Windows machine. But the problem was still there. But after 2-3 hours of testing, suddenly the error was gone, with the same signed XPI which I used before? Does Firefox check the signatures online? Maybe there was an communication problem with Mozilla servers?
In the meantime I got the error on my Linux machine, also. If I try to install a signed xpi (original file, not modified) the error occurs a few times. And if I, for example, add the xpi over “about:debugging”, uninstall it and try to install it again directly, it works fine.
Seems the problem is related to the WebExtension switch. A completely new WebExtension add-on works fine, too. A legacy add-on that was ported as WebExtension, produce this error.