Extensions, notifiers and API Handler questions

Hi! I have been working with the gateway for the last couple of days and the more I dig the more questions I get.
Can someone point out some documentation , or (thanks in advance) explain what are the Extensions, Notifiers and API Handlers for? I think I have an idea,but would like to read more about it, can’t really find more info in other places.
Thanks! And keep on the good work.

A notifier add-on allows a user to be notified via some specific mechanism,
e.g. email or SMS. The notifier is used as an output for a rule.

An extension add-on allows a developer to modify the gateway’s UI through a set
of predefined extension points.

An API handler is essentially an optional back-end piece for an extension. It essentially allows you to set up custom REST API routes for the gateway, so your extension code can do things other than use the normal REST API. For example, you may want to store some custom settings, or pull some aggregate data, or any number of other things.

The best source of API documentation is in the code itself (Node, Python).

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Brilliant! It was exactly what I needed. Thanks for the clarification once again!