Extra gap at l10n editor column

I don’t know where to report this so here it is. When translating MDN articles, I notice a large gap below the editor’s controls which make the original and translated text out of alignment. This make the translation work quite irritated. I had to keep the original copy right below working paragraph because I cannot see the original text on the left column. (See attached screenshot). I’m using Firefox 63beta, on Ubuntu 18.04.

Hi @trongthanh,

I can understand why this would be annoying. Do you see this on just one or a few pages, or all of them? Let me know which page you are working on, and I’ll test it as well.

The purpose of the gap on the left side is to align the English and Translation. It appears to be applied on the right side as well, and was added for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1040595, which I closed yesterday. Maybe the gap is being added by JS to the translation side as well?

For me, the alignment started correct, with Firefox 63.0b11, macOS 10.14, at 1300px, on https://developer.mozilla.org/vi/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Using_promises$edit

If I resize the window and refresh, I can eventually get the same failure. This one is at 1279 width on https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide$edit

Further refreshing seems to get it alignment working again. Very confusing.

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For me, it always happens even when I tried to refresh. Browser’s viewport width is at 1382px.

I can reproduce at any articles, but this is the one I’m working on: https://developer.mozilla.org/vi/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Using_promises

@trongthanh the next step would be to open a bug in https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/. I’d suggest developer.mozilla.org :: Editing. I think useful information would be the URLs, your browser details, the viewport width, a link to this discussion, and the screenshots.

The bug helper doesn’t let you attach a file when writing the bug, but after you’ve created it you can use the “Attach File” link.

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