Many times when I have used containers, it became necessary to go through the exercise of opening a new container tab, copying the link of the current tab and pasting there to eventually open that website by default in that container. It would make it massively easier if there were a way to simply put the current tab into a container and set it as a default container without the hassle/workaround.
More commonplace OWA use cases will involve relatively careless clicks where the user does not require a context menu. In some such cases there will be dual perspectives.
Where I’m an onlooker (e.g. IT support with attention to privacy, security, phishing etc.) I’d like to see redirection to either:
ideally traditional private browsing, although I don’t know whether a private tab can be in the midst of a window where any tab is non-private; or
a container that’s conceptually private, and (@kesselborn please correct me if I’m wrong) I guess that’s somewhat in line with the experimental ‘private’ container that featured in (although we didn’t mention redirection in that context).
From the perspective of the end user – with or without me overlooking – it is, in my experience, less likely that a change of containment (or away from containment, to private browsing in the same tab) will be appreciated or understood.