Feature request: ADP should be available through SSO

We can’t log into ADP through SSO, which means we have to keep track of a separate set of credentials and a login.

SSO is definitely available for ADP, although there may be a cost, and I can’t find specific information that makes me 100% confident it would be compatible with our SSO: https://support.adp.com/netsecure/pages/pub/docs/fed/ADP_Federation_Overview.pdf

Are there any plans to integrate ADP into the SSO?

Hi @kmancuso,
thanks for catching this.

In order to get a service onto Mozilla IAM (including LDAP login and the SSO Dashboard) the Service Owner needs to file a ServiceNow request at https://mozilla.service-now.com/sp?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=1e9746c20f76aa0087591d2be1050ecb

Do you know who might be or might know about the ADP service owner?

Best regards,

The email I received about ADP signup came from Chenda San. Try asking in #payroll or payroll@mozilla.com if they aren’t the right person.

Note that ADP must remain accessible to ex-staff who no longer have SSO access — access to one’s own tax forms and pay stubs may not be conditional on employment — which may complicate this request.