After stopping using of binary XPCOM components in FF40 I had to migrate urgently to this new technology system/child_process and encountered lack of documentation and working examples. So would be great if someone advise me a proper method to start my messaging host .exe
var child_process = require("sdk/system/child_process");
var message_host = child_process.spawn('C:\\addons\\messaging\\myMessagingHost.exe');
The problem is the above code works only when the fully qualified path is used otherwise the error “NS_ERROR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED_PATH” is returned. Even if I put myMessagingHost.exe to the windows system directory it cannot be found.
The file myMessagingHost.exe will be installed separately from the extension in user-defined location along with the main application. How can the extension find out that path? Ideally would be using Windows Registry but AFAIK the Add-Ons SDK cannot read the Registry. What is the recommended way?