I am trying to improve deepspeech model accuracy for indian english dataset.
how my data should look like, is there any requirements.
what I did:
first I tried recording 6 people’s voice on 8-10 average word sentence. about 30 sentence each, note that same sentence repeated by every person. I got reasonably good accuracy,
then i tried again with 6 people with 40 sentence each. but this time some of the sentence only had one word which is kind of keyword i want to predict correctly. accuracy did not improve like the first time.
so what are some requirement we should keep in mind while recording voice.
1.should there be only sentences not words
2.does some noise around effect accuracy
3. fine tuning on already finetuned model effects accuracy.
4.If I repeated those sentence again with varied decible in wav. (data augumetetion) will it effect accuracy
5. what you suggest for data agumentetion.
1.will adding some noise help
2. will varying speed and pitch helps.
sorry for the big essay but i did not know how to frame this question.
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At first, I think your data augmentation for fine-tuning is just not enough. There seems to be several problems here to address separately:
indian accent
specific words
noisy background
For the indian accent, there’s no better solution than having a bit more than a few dozen of minutes of sound with it. You should try and look into Common Voice dataset, filtering for indian accent, that should already be a good basis. Contributing to Common Voice would of course help a lot.
For the noisy background, the only reliable solution is making the model noise-robust, which we are working on but is not yet ready. It’s done with data augmentation where we add noise, you can find more about it on github.
For specific words, if you need them to be properly identified, the best solution is to re-build a language model and add your own words. Better long-term solution is helping us add the feature of having multiple language models, which would allow to better control that and avoid re-building from scratch the base language model.
I just saw common voice dataset. there are lot nan values in accent columns in validated tsv so what is the solution. i could only find 16000 indian accent sample from 490000 samples.