Hey peeps … I’m new to this so please forgive my NEWBness. I created a Firefox Color theme but I can’t seem to find a way to set it to default. I’ve saved the file to my PC and tried loading it into themes but it says the file is corrupt. I’ve created a Firefox account and uploaded the file to the Themes area but when I try to install it that way it gives me the ‘file corrupt’ error again.
Am I missing something here? Shouldn’t I be able to save a Firefox Color scheme that I set up and use it as the default for the browser? Browser is up to date and using Windows 10 64-bit. Any suggestions you could offer would be appreciated. Thanks.
To load the theme more permanently, you’ll need to sign it on addons.mozilla.org and install the .xpi file in Firefox.
We have documentation for how to submit extensions to addons.mozilla.org; themes follow a very similar process. You can choose to share your theme publicly on the AMO directory or self-distribute it and only share the .xpi file with people you want to see it.
Once you have the .xpi file, you should be able to load the theme in the Firefox Add-ons Manager.
The theme you make on Firefox Color should also stay loaded on Firefox as long as Color is installed and you don’t make any changes to the theme.
I’ve got a temporary solution.
Go to “Add-ons Manager”, then click the tab “Theme”.
Click the button on the right side of title “Manage Your Themes”, and then “Debug Add-ons”.
Then choose “Load Temporary Add-on”, and choose the theme you downloaded.
The theme will be shown, and it will keep working until you close the browser.