Firefox for Android Campaign - Get ready for August 3rd!

Hi SUMO Nation,

We are almost ready to start officially supporting Firefox for Android in this new release. In the next few weeks there will be a campaign focussed on Google Play Store reviews starting on the 3rd and ending on the 23rd of August.

The migration from the old Firefox for Android to the once known as Firefox Preview has started gradually from yesterday and will be fully completed at the end of August.

For this reason, we are asking you to help with users who reach out to us by leaving reviews on the Google Play Store through the Respond Tool. And during the initial migration period, you may see some Fennec reviews that are mixed with the new product reviews. So please, pay extra attention to the requests and the browser version that they are referring to.

If someone is not willing to switch to Fenix, please avoid encouraging them to use an apk. We would like to keep supporting our users in the best way possible, and to be able to do so we are focusing on Fenix development.

If you find any recurring bug or anything that seems affecting users, please file an issue through this GitHub link, and tag it with R79 . This is necessary for identifying the bugs in an early stage and act fast.

Thank you for supporting Mozilla users worldwide and for turning Firefox for Android even more awesome!

Kiki & Giulia